Without the tireless dedication of our team, we would not be the organisation we are today.
Our team members - the integral moving parts of the machine that is the Commission - are the reason why we are able to continually reach for greater heights in all that we do. From working with higher education institutions, to assessing qualifications to ensure conformity and suitability - our people strive for excellence.
Steve Chand
Dr. Rohit Kishore
Chief Executive Officer
Nilesh Maharaj
Head of Corporate Services
Paul Singh
IT Manager
Lakshika Fernando
Legal Officer
Frentina Andrea
Records & Policy Manager
Reshika Kumar
Executive Officer
Epineri Rawalai
Communications Officer
Leba Halofaki
Professional Officer - National Qualifications Development
Lelea Vakalalabure
Programme Assistant - National Qualification Development
Alimi Korovulavula
Recognition & Registration Officer
Karalaini Koroi
Quality Assurance Analyst - External
Saleshni Singh
Compliance Officer
Ani Lacanivalu
Compliance Officer - Programme Accreditation
Merewalesi Sulua
Programme Assistant - Programme Accreditation
Shayal Sund
Policy Analyst - Equity
Ronal Singh
Funding Analyst
Renu Prasad
Research Analyst
Swastika Sharma
Assistant Accountant
Ritik Kumar
Analyst Programmer
Mere Vunuqa
IT Support Officer
Selina Baleicakau
Registry Clerk
Nanise Berabi
Office Administration Officer
Adi Vika Lalaciwa
Building together an educated and globally competitive Fiji.
To quality assure the delivery of higher education that meets the needs of our stakeholders.