The Chief Executive Officer, Dr Rohit Kishore of the Higher Education Commission Fiji (HECF) is attending the Pacific Qualification Advisory Board (PQAB) workshop from 8-9 November 2023 at the Tokatoka Resort, Nadi.
Dr Kishore presented the work being carried out by the HECF. He also spoke about the Fiji National Qualification Framework and highlighted its relation to the Pacific Qualification Framework (PQF).
The objective of the workshop is to strengthen the Pacific Framework through the Pacific Qualifications Recognition regional project 2023 – 2028.
The Educational Quality and Assessment Programme (EQAP) in partnership with the New Zealand Qualifications Authority is taking steps to strengthen the Pacific Qualifications Framework (PQF) to support improved recognition of Pacific qualifications.
As part of strengthening the PQF, this workshop will allow the PQAB to step into a stewardship role for the PQF by acting as collective ‘owners’ of the framework and actively giving oversight to the referencing and benchmarking process. By doing this the outcomes of the process will be transparent and trusted, so they can be used in the future to support improved recognition of Pacific qualifications, using the PQF as a translation device between different national qualifications systems.