The Fiji National University


HEI Type:University
Legal Entity Name:The Fiji National University
Business/Company Number:N/A
Recognition Number:RCN 0014/10
Registration Number:RGN 0015/11
Registration Certificate Number:RG 0091
Start Date:31/10/2016
End Date:31/10/2023
Authorized Contact Person Name:Dr William May
Head Office:FNU Nasinu Campus, Kings Road, Valelevu
  1. Ba Campus, Natuyabia Road, Tauvegavega, Ba.
  2. Derrick Campus, Ratu Mara Road, Samabula.
  3. Fiji Maritime Academy, Suva Point, Queens Elizabeth Drive.
  4. Hoodless House, Brown Street, Suva.
  5. Koronivia Campus, Kings Road, Koronivia.
  6. Labasa Campus, Local Timber Building, Main Street, Labasa.
  7. Nabua Campus, Jerusalem Road, Nabua.
  8. Naceva Centre, Waiyavi Road, Lautoka.
  9. Namaka Campus, Queens Road, Namaka.
  10. Narere Campus, Lot 1 Beaumount Road, Narere.
  11. Nasese Campus, 218 Queens Elizabeth Drive, Nasese.
  12. Nasinu Campus, Kings Road, Nasinu.
  13. Natabua Campus, Natabua Road, Lautoka
  14. National Training Productivity Centre Namaka Centre, Queens Road, Nadi.
  15. Pasifika Campus, Extension Street, Suva.
  16. Tamavua Campus, Princess Road, Tamavua, Suva.

(Outstanding compliance requirements placed on HEI's registration)

List of HEC Recorded Qualifications on Scope of Services

Note: If there are no Qualifications listed below, the HEI does not have an accredited or recorded Qualification on its scope of services.

Qualification IDQualification Title
Provider Qualifications 
MPHNCD0105-41Master of Public Health in Non-Communicable Diseases
(Level 9)
BASS0105-42Bachelor of Applied Social Science (Level 7)
BALL0105-43Bachelor of Arts (Language & Literature) (Level 7)
BEEC0105-44Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood (Level 7)
BHCE0105-45Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) with Honours (Level 8)
BHEE0105-46Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) with Honours
(Level 8)
BHEEIC0105-47Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics/ Instrumentation
& Control) with Honours (Level 8)
BHEETN0105-48Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics/
Telecommunication & Networking) with Honours (Level 8)
BHME0105-49Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) with Honours
(Level 8)
BHURP0105-50Bachelor of Urban & Regional Planning (Honours)
(Level 8)
CACSC0105-51Certificate in Ageing and Community Support Care
(Level 4)
CAB0105-52Certificate in Automotive Bodyworks (Level 3)
CAE0105-53Certificate in Automotive Engineering (Level 3)
CBTS0105-54Certificate in Beauty Therapy and Spa (Level 3)
CC0105-55Certificate in Carpentry (Level 3)
CC0105-56Certificate in Carpentry (Level 4)
CCHC0105-57Certificate in Child Care (Level 4)
CEE0105-58Certificate in Engineering (Electrical) (Level 3)
CEE0105-59Certificate in Engineering (Electronics) (Level 3)
CFW0105-60Certificate in Fabrication & Welding (Level 3)
CFM0105-61Certificate in Fitting and Machining (Level 3)
CGMQ0105-62Certificate in Geology, Mining and Quarrying (Level 4)
CH0105-63Certificate in Hairdressing (Level 3)
CJCM0105-64Certificate in Joinery and Cabinet Making (Level 3)
CPM0105-65Certificate in Plant Maintenance (Level 3)
CPMME0105-66Certificate in Plant Maintenance Engineering (Level 4)
CPS01105-67Certificate in Plumbing & Sheetmetal (Level 4)
CPS0105-68Certificate in Plumbing and Sheetmetal (Level 3)
CPT0105-69Certificate in Printing Technology (Level 3)
CTTVET0105-70Certificate in Teaching of TVET (Level 5)
*known in FNU as a Higher Education programme
DAD0105-71Diploma in Architectural Drafting (Level 6)
DC0105-72Diploma in Construction (Level 6)
DAGE0105-73Diploma in Engineering (Agricultural) (Level 6)
DAE0105-74Diploma in Engineering (Automotive) (Level 6)
DCE0105-75Diploma in Engineering (Civil) (Level 6)
DEE0105-76Diploma in Engineering (Electrical) (Level 6)
DEEIC0105-77Diploma in Engineering (Electronics/ Instrumentation
& Control) (Level 6)
DEETN0105-78Diploma in Engineering (Electronics/ Telecommunication
& Networking) (Level 6)
DME0105-79Diploma in Engineering (Mechanical) (Level 6)
DPE0105-80Diploma in Engineering (Plant) (Level 6)
DRSE0105-81Diploma in Engineering (Renewable and Sustainable)
(Level 6)
DLS0105-82Diploma in Land Surveying (Level 6)
DQS0105-83Diploma in Quantity Surveying (Level 6)
DTTM0105-84Diploma in Transport Technology and Management (Level
DRBI0105-85Doctor of Philosophy (Biology) (Level 10)
DRCH0105-86Doctor of Philosophy (Chemistry) (Level 10)
DRMT0105-87Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematics) (Level 10)
DRPH0105-88Doctor of Philosophy (Physics) (Level 10)
MAE0105-89Master of Education/ Master of Arts in Education
(Level 9)
MEN0105-90Master of Engineering (Level 9)
MOS0105-91Master of Oral Surgery (Level 9)
MSM0105-92Master of Science (Mathematics) (Level 9)
MSB0105-93Master of Science in Biology (Level 9)
MSC0105-94Master of Science in Chemistry (Level 9)
MSP0105-95Master of Science in Physics (Level 9)
PDESMGT0105-96Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Science and
Management (Level 8)
PDB0105-97Postgraduate Diploma in Biology (Level 8)
PDC0105-98Postgraduate Diploma in Chemistry (Level 8)
PDE0105-99Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Level 8)
PDP0105-100Postgraduate Diploma in Physics (Level 8)
PDCM0105-101Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Mathematics) (Level
BSA0105-105Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Level 7)
BSF0105-106Bachelor of Science in Forestry (Level 7)
CHD0105-107Certificate in Hair Dressing (Level 3)
CJCM0105-108Certificate in Joinery and Cabinet Making (Level 4)
BSFI0105-112Bachelor of Science in Fisheries (Level 7)
CFTV0105-113Certificate in Film and Television (Level 4)
CM0105-114Certificate in Music (Level 4)
DAGF0105-115Diploma in Agroforestry (Level 5) *known in
FNU as a Trade programme
DF0105-116Diploma in Forestry (Level 5) *known in FNU
as a Trade programme
DTTMR0105-117Diploma in Transport Technology and Management (Roads)
(Level 6)
BNS0105-147Bachelor in Nautical Science (Level 7)
CCA0105-148Certificate in Commercial Agriculture (Level 3)
DAH0105-149Diploma in Animal Health (Level 6) *known in
FNU as a Higher Education programme
DAHU0105-150Diploma in Animal Husbandry (Level 5) *known
in FNU as a Trade programme
NS0105-151Diploma in Marine Engineering (Level 5)
DNSC0105-152Diploma in Nautical Science (Level 5)
PDD0105-153Postgraduate Diploma in Dermatology (Level 8)
PDFM0105-154Postgraduate Diploma in Family Medicine (Level 8)
PDHSM0105-155Postgraduate Diploma in Health Services Management
(Level 8)
BMC0105-247Bachelor of Media and Communication (Level 7)
CH0105-248Certificate of Horticulture (Level 4)
BE0105-269Bachelor of Economics (Level 7)
BSAS0105-270Bachelor of Science in Animal Science (Level 7)
MSA0105-271Master of Science in Agriculture (Level 9)
PDCCRM0105-272Postgraduate Diploma in Climate Change, Resilience and
Mitigation (Level 8)
PDEHDM0105-273Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Health (Disaster
Management) (Level 8)
PDHR0105-274Postgraduate Diploma in Health Research (Level 8)
PDNCD0105-275Postgraduate Diploma in Non-Communicable Diseases
(Level 8)
BDN0105-281Bachelor of Dietetics and Nutrition (Level 7)
BMLS0105-282Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science (Level 7)
BA0105-283Bachelor of Accounting (Level 7)
BCAE0105-284Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Economics
(Level 7)
BCHRIRA0105-285Bachelor of Commerce in Human Resources &
Industrial Relations and Accounting (Level 7)
DDT0105-286Diploma in Dental Technology (Level 6)
DA0105-287Diploma in Accounting (Level 6)
DAQ0105-288Diploma in Aquaculture (Level 5)
DAF0105-289Diploma in Applied Fisheries (Level 5)
CCLT0105-290Certificate in Clinical Laboratory Technology (Level
CP0105-291Certificate in Phlebotomy (Level 5)
CSRBB0105-292Certificate in Ship Repair and Boat Building (Level 4)
CUTSUD0105-294Certificate in Universal Treatment for Substance Use
Disorders (Level 4)
BOH0105-295Bachelor of Oral Health (Level 7)
BDS0105-296Bachelor of Dental Surgery (Level 7)
BMIS0105-297Bachelor of Medical Imaging Science (Level 7)
BP0105-298Bachelor of Pharmacy (Level 7)
MMFM0105-299Master of Medicine in Family Medicine (Level 9)
MNERN0105-300Master of Nursing (Emergency Nursing) (Level 9)
MMD0105-301Master of Medicine in Dermatology (Level 9)
PGDMHN0105-302Postgraduate Diploma in Mental Health Nursing (Level
PGDNERN0105-303Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing (Emergency Nursing)
(Level 8)
MR0105-304Masters by Research (Level 9)
DRPHIL0105-305Doctor of Philosophy (Level 10)
DHP0105-320Diploma in Health Promotion (Level 6)
BHP0105-321Bachelor of Health Promotion (Level 7)
BEH0105-322Bachelor of Environmental Health (Level 7)
BHSM0105-323Bachelor of Health Services Management (Level 7)
PGDIM0105-324Postgraduate Diploma in Internal Medicine (Level 8)
PGDCH0105-325Postgraduate Diploma in Child Health (Level 8)
PGDMH0105-326Postgraduate Diploma in Mental Health (Level 8)
PGDOG0105-327Postgraduate Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
(Level 8)
PDGA0105-328Postgraduate Diploma in Anaesthesia (Level 8)
PGDPR0105-329Postgraduate Diploma in Physiotherapy (Rehabilitation)
(Level 8)
BETVET0105-335Bachelor of Education (Specialist in TVET) (Level 7)
BPH0105-336Bachelor of Public Health (Level 7)
CPH0105-337Certificate in Public Health (Level 5)
DPH0105-338Diploma in Public Health (Level 6)
MMA0105-339Master of Medicine in Anaesthesia (Level 9)
PGDS0105-340Postgraduate Diploma in Surgery (Level 8)
BPHY0105-341Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Level 7)
CAELM0105-342Certificate in Automotive Engineering (Automotive
Light Machinery) (Level 4)
CAEHC0105-343Certificate in Automotive Engineering (Heavy
Commercial Vehicle) (Level 4)
CAEHM0105-344Certificate in Automotive Engineering (Heavy Mobile
Plant) (Level 4)
CAELMV0105-345Certificate in Automotive Engineering (Light Motor
Vehicle) (Level 4)
CAEMVEE0105-346Certificate in Automotive Engineering (Motor Vehicle
Electrical and Electronics) (Level 4)
CAEPP0105-347Certificate in Automotive Engineering (Panel and
Paint) (Level 4)
MPA0105-379Master of Professional Accounting (Level 9)
MMOG0105-380Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
(Level 9)
MPH0105-381Master of Public Health (Level 9)
PGDPH0105-382Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health (Level 8)
PGDL0105-383Postgraduate Diploma in Linguistics (Level 8)
PGDLS0105-384Post Graduate Diploma in Literacy Studies (Level 8)
PGDTESL0105-385Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching English as a Second
Language (Level 8)
PGDHN0105-386Postgraduate Diploma in Human Nutrition (Level 8)
DIT0105-387Diploma in Information Technology (Level 5)
CIT0105-388Certificate in Information Technology (Level 4)
MMS0105-389Master of Medicine in Surgery (Level 9)
MMIM0105-390Master of Medicine in Internal Medicine (Level 9)
MMEM0105-391Master of Medicine in Emergency Medicine (Level 9)
MAE0105-392Master in Applied Epidemiology (Level 9)
MHSM0105-393Master of Health Services Management (Level 9)
MSRH0105-394Master of Sexual and Reproductive Health (Level 9)
MMO0105-395Master of Medicine in Ophthalmology (Level 9)
MMP0105-396Master of Medicine in Paediatrics (Level 9)
MBA0105-397Master of Business Administration (Executive) (Level
PGDANP0105-398Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Nursing Practice
(Nurse Practitioner) (Level 8)
PGDAE0105-399Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Epidemiology (Level 8)
PGDEM0105-400Postgraduate Diploma in Emergency Medicine (Level 8)
PGDEHFSM0105-401Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Health – Food
Safety Management (Level 8)
PGDO0105-402Postgraduate Diploma in Ophthalmology (Level 8)
PGDHP0105-403Postgraduate Diploma in Health Promotion (Level 8)
PGDSRH0105-404Postgraduate Diploma in Sexual and Reproductive Health
(Level 8)
PGDEC0105-405Postgraduate Diploma in Eye Care (Level 8)
PGDMW0105-406Postgraduate Diploma in Midwifery (Level 8)
PGDP0105-407Postgraduate Diploma in Pathology (Level 8)
PGDNLM0105-408Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing Leadership and
Management (Level 8)
PGCFE0105-409Postgraduate Certificate in Field Epidemiology (Level
BMBS0105-410Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Level 7)
BN0105-411Bachelor of Nursing (Level 7)
CEN0105-412Certificate in Enrolled Nursing (Level 4)
CCN0105-413Certificate in Community Nutrition (Level 4)
CDA0105-414Certificate in Dental Assisting (Level 4)
CAE0105-415Certificate in Agricultural Engineering (Level 3)
BCIRHRIS0105-435Bachelor of Commerce (Industrial Relations & Human
Resource Management and Information Systems) (Level 7)
BCIRHRM0105-436Bachelor of Commerce (Industrial Relations & Human
Resource Management and Management) (Level 7)
BCIRHRMA0105-437Bachelor of Commerce (Industrial Relations & Human
Resource Management and Marketing) (Level 7)
BCMIS0105-438Bachelor of Commerce (Management and Information
Systems) (Level 7)
BCMM0105-439Bachelor of Commerce (Management and Marketing) (Level
BCMAIS0105-440Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing and Information
Systems) (Level 7)
BCFM0105-441Bachelor of Commerce in Finance and Management (Level
BIS0105-442Bachelor of Information Systems (Level 7)
BSCSIS0105-443Bachelor of Science (Computer Science and Information
Systems) (Level 7)
CB0105-444Certificate in Banking (Level 4)
CM0105-445Certificate in Management (Level 5)
DIRHRM0105-446Diploma in Industrial Relations & Human Resource
Management (Level 6)
DM0105-447Diploma in Management (Level 6)
DMA0105-448Diploma in Marketing (Level 6)
PGDEM0105-449Postgraduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship and
Management (Level 8)
MCCRM0105-452Master in Climate Change, Resilience and Mitigation
(Level 9)
MCA0105-453Master of Commerce in Accounting (Level 9)
GDLP0105-454Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (Level 7)
BL0105-455Bachelor of Laws (Level 7)
BCAB0105-456Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Banking (Level
BCAE0105-457Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Economics
(Level 7)
BCAF0105-458Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Finance (Level
BCAIS0105-459Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Information
Systems (Level 7)
BCAL0105-460Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Law (Level 7)
BCBL0105-461Bachelor of Commerce in Banking and Law (Level 7)
BCFIS0105-462Bachelor of Commerce in Finance and Information
Systems (Level 7)
BCFL0105-463Bachelor of Commerce in Finance and Law (Level 7)
BCFMA0105-464Bachelor of Commerce in Finance and Marketing (Level
BCAM0105-465Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Management
(Level 7)
BLIS0105-466Bachelor of Library and Information Systems (Level 7)
BSPM0105-467Bachelor of Science in Physics and Mathematics (Level
BSFTB0105-468Bachelor of Science in Food Technology and Biology
(Level 7)
BSFTC0105-469Bachelor of Science in Food Technology and Chemistry
(Level 7)
BSFT0105-470Bachelor of Science in Food Technology (Level 7)
DFT0105-471Diploma in Food Technology (Level 6)
CEE0105-472Certificate in Electrical Engineering (Level 4)
CAMEA0105-473Certificate in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering
(Avionics) (Level 4)
CAMEM0105-474Certificate in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering
(Mechanical) (Level 4)
CA0105 – 476Certificate in Accounting (Level 4)
CBE0105 – 477Certificate in Biomedical Engineering (Level 4)
CPT0105 – 478Certificate in Printing Technology (Level 4)
DA0105 – 479Diploma in Agriculture (Level 5)
BCACM0105 – 480Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Marketing
(Level 7)
BEP0105 – 481Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Level 7)
BES0105 – 482Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (Level 7)
BSEES0105 – 483Bachelor of Sports Education and Exercise Science
(Level 7)
GCE0105 – 484Graduate Certificate in Education (Level 7)
PDA0105 – 485Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting (Level 8)
PDDPH0105 – 486Postgraduate Diploma in Dental Public Health (Level 8)
PDOS0105 – 487Postgraduate Diploma in Oral Surgery (Level 8)
PDSP0105 – 488Postgraduate Diploma in Social Policy (Level 8)
MSESM0105 – 489Master of Science in Environmental Science and
Management (Level 9)
MASP0105 – 490Master of Arts in Social Policy (Level 9)
CME0105-568Certificate in Manufacturing Engineering (Level 4)