The Fiji National University
Status: | Registered |
HEI Type: | University |
Legal Entity Name: | The Fiji National University |
Business/Company Number: | N/A |
Recognition Number: | RCN 0014/10 |
Registration Number: | RGN 0015/11 |
Registration Certificate Number: | RG 0091 |
Start Date: | 31/10/2016 |
End Date: | 31/10/2023 |
Authorized Contact Person Name: | Dr William May |
Landline: | 3394000 |
Email: | |
Head Office: | FNU Nasinu Campus, Kings Road, Valelevu |
Campuses: |
Website: | |
Registration Conditions: (Outstanding compliance requirements placed on HEI's registration) | Yes |
List of HEC Recorded Qualifications on Scope of Services
Note: If there are no Qualifications listed below, the HEI does not have an accredited or recorded Qualification on its scope of services.
Qualification ID | Qualification Title |
National Qualifications | Nil |
Provider Qualifications | |
MPHNCD0105-41 | Master of Public Health in Non-Communicable Diseases (Level 9) |
BASS0105-42 | Bachelor of Applied Social Science (Level 7) |
BALL0105-43 | Bachelor of Arts (Language & Literature) (Level 7) |
BEEC0105-44 | Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood (Level 7) |
BHCE0105-45 | Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) with Honours (Level 8) |
BHEE0105-46 | Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) with Honours (Level 8) |
BHEEIC0105-47 | Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics/ Instrumentation & Control) with Honours (Level 8) |
BHEETN0105-48 | Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics/ Telecommunication & Networking) with Honours (Level 8) |
BHME0105-49 | Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) with Honours (Level 8) |
BHURP0105-50 | Bachelor of Urban & Regional Planning (Honours) (Level 8) |
CACSC0105-51 | Certificate in Ageing and Community Support Care (Level 4) |
CAB0105-52 | Certificate in Automotive Bodyworks (Level 3) |
CAE0105-53 | Certificate in Automotive Engineering (Level 3) |
CBTS0105-54 | Certificate in Beauty Therapy and Spa (Level 3) |
CC0105-55 | Certificate in Carpentry (Level 3) |
CC0105-56 | Certificate in Carpentry (Level 4) |
CCHC0105-57 | Certificate in Child Care (Level 4) |
CEE0105-58 | Certificate in Engineering (Electrical) (Level 3) |
CEE0105-59 | Certificate in Engineering (Electronics) (Level 3) |
CFW0105-60 | Certificate in Fabrication & Welding (Level 3) |
CFM0105-61 | Certificate in Fitting and Machining (Level 3) |
CGMQ0105-62 | Certificate in Geology, Mining and Quarrying (Level 4) |
CH0105-63 | Certificate in Hairdressing (Level 3) |
CJCM0105-64 | Certificate in Joinery and Cabinet Making (Level 3) |
CPM0105-65 | Certificate in Plant Maintenance (Level 3) |
CPMME0105-66 | Certificate in Plant Maintenance Engineering (Level 4) |
CPS01105-67 | Certificate in Plumbing & Sheetmetal (Level 4) |
CPS0105-68 | Certificate in Plumbing and Sheetmetal (Level 3) |
CPT0105-69 | Certificate in Printing Technology (Level 3) |
CTTVET0105-70 | Certificate in Teaching of TVET (Level 5) *known in FNU as a Higher Education programme |
DAD0105-71 | Diploma in Architectural Drafting (Level 6) |
DC0105-72 | Diploma in Construction (Level 6) |
DAGE0105-73 | Diploma in Engineering (Agricultural) (Level 6) |
DAE0105-74 | Diploma in Engineering (Automotive) (Level 6) |
DCE0105-75 | Diploma in Engineering (Civil) (Level 6) |
DEE0105-76 | Diploma in Engineering (Electrical) (Level 6) |
DEEIC0105-77 | Diploma in Engineering (Electronics/ Instrumentation & Control) (Level 6) |
DEETN0105-78 | Diploma in Engineering (Electronics/ Telecommunication & Networking) (Level 6) |
DME0105-79 | Diploma in Engineering (Mechanical) (Level 6) |
DPE0105-80 | Diploma in Engineering (Plant) (Level 6) |
DRSE0105-81 | Diploma in Engineering (Renewable and Sustainable) (Level 6) |
DLS0105-82 | Diploma in Land Surveying (Level 6) |
DQS0105-83 | Diploma in Quantity Surveying (Level 6) |
DTTM0105-84 | Diploma in Transport Technology and Management (Level 6) |
DRBI0105-85 | Doctor of Philosophy (Biology) (Level 10) |
DRCH0105-86 | Doctor of Philosophy (Chemistry) (Level 10) |
DRMT0105-87 | Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematics) (Level 10) |
DRPH0105-88 | Doctor of Philosophy (Physics) (Level 10) |
MAE0105-89 | Master of Education/ Master of Arts in Education (Level 9) |
MEN0105-90 | Master of Engineering (Level 9) |
MOS0105-91 | Master of Oral Surgery (Level 9) |
MSM0105-92 | Master of Science (Mathematics) (Level 9) |
MSB0105-93 | Master of Science in Biology (Level 9) |
MSC0105-94 | Master of Science in Chemistry (Level 9) |
MSP0105-95 | Master of Science in Physics (Level 9) |
PDESMGT0105-96 | Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Science and Management (Level 8) |
PDB0105-97 | Postgraduate Diploma in Biology (Level 8) |
PDC0105-98 | Postgraduate Diploma in Chemistry (Level 8) |
PDE0105-99 | Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Level 8) |
PDP0105-100 | Postgraduate Diploma in Physics (Level 8) |
PDCM0105-101 | Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Mathematics) (Level 8) |
BSA0105-105 | Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Level 7) |
BSF0105-106 | Bachelor of Science in Forestry (Level 7) |
CHD0105-107 | Certificate in Hair Dressing (Level 3) |
CJCM0105-108 | Certificate in Joinery and Cabinet Making (Level 4) |
BSFI0105-112 | Bachelor of Science in Fisheries (Level 7) |
CFTV0105-113 | Certificate in Film and Television (Level 4) |
CM0105-114 | Certificate in Music (Level 4) |
DAGF0105-115 | Diploma in Agroforestry (Level 5) *known in FNU as a Trade programme |
DF0105-116 | Diploma in Forestry (Level 5) *known in FNU as a Trade programme |
DTTMR0105-117 | Diploma in Transport Technology and Management (Roads) (Level 6) |
BNS0105-147 | Bachelor in Nautical Science (Level 7) |
CCA0105-148 | Certificate in Commercial Agriculture (Level 3) |
DAH0105-149 | Diploma in Animal Health (Level 6) *known in FNU as a Higher Education programme |
DAHU0105-150 | Diploma in Animal Husbandry (Level 5) *known in FNU as a Trade programme |
NS0105-151 | Diploma in Marine Engineering (Level 5) |
DNSC0105-152 | Diploma in Nautical Science (Level 5) |
PDD0105-153 | Postgraduate Diploma in Dermatology (Level 8) |
PDFM0105-154 | Postgraduate Diploma in Family Medicine (Level 8) |
PDHSM0105-155 | Postgraduate Diploma in Health Services Management (Level 8) |
BMC0105-247 | Bachelor of Media and Communication (Level 7) |
CH0105-248 | Certificate of Horticulture (Level 4) |
BE0105-269 | Bachelor of Economics (Level 7) |
BSAS0105-270 | Bachelor of Science in Animal Science (Level 7) |
MSA0105-271 | Master of Science in Agriculture (Level 9) |
PDCCRM0105-272 | Postgraduate Diploma in Climate Change, Resilience and Mitigation (Level 8) |
PDEHDM0105-273 | Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Health (Disaster Management) (Level 8) |
PDHR0105-274 | Postgraduate Diploma in Health Research (Level 8) |
PDNCD0105-275 | Postgraduate Diploma in Non-Communicable Diseases (Level 8) |
BDN0105-281 | Bachelor of Dietetics and Nutrition (Level 7) |
BMLS0105-282 | Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science (Level 7) |
BA0105-283 | Bachelor of Accounting (Level 7) |
BCAE0105-284 | Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Economics (Level 7) |
BCHRIRA0105-285 | Bachelor of Commerce in Human Resources & Industrial Relations and Accounting (Level 7) |
DDT0105-286 | Diploma in Dental Technology (Level 6) |
DA0105-287 | Diploma in Accounting (Level 6) |
DAQ0105-288 | Diploma in Aquaculture (Level 5) |
DAF0105-289 | Diploma in Applied Fisheries (Level 5) |
CCLT0105-290 | Certificate in Clinical Laboratory Technology (Level 5) |
CP0105-291 | Certificate in Phlebotomy (Level 5) |
CSRBB0105-292 | Certificate in Ship Repair and Boat Building (Level 4) |
CUTSUD0105-294 | Certificate in Universal Treatment for Substance Use Disorders (Level 4) |
BOH0105-295 | Bachelor of Oral Health (Level 7) |
BDS0105-296 | Bachelor of Dental Surgery (Level 7) |
BMIS0105-297 | Bachelor of Medical Imaging Science (Level 7) |
BP0105-298 | Bachelor of Pharmacy (Level 7) |
MMFM0105-299 | Master of Medicine in Family Medicine (Level 9) |
MNERN0105-300 | Master of Nursing (Emergency Nursing) (Level 9) |
MMD0105-301 | Master of Medicine in Dermatology (Level 9) |
PGDMHN0105-302 | Postgraduate Diploma in Mental Health Nursing (Level 8) |
PGDNERN0105-303 | Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing (Emergency Nursing) (Level 8) |
MR0105-304 | Masters by Research (Level 9) |
DRPHIL0105-305 | Doctor of Philosophy (Level 10) |
DHP0105-320 | Diploma in Health Promotion (Level 6) |
BHP0105-321 | Bachelor of Health Promotion (Level 7) |
BEH0105-322 | Bachelor of Environmental Health (Level 7) |
BHSM0105-323 | Bachelor of Health Services Management (Level 7) |
PGDIM0105-324 | Postgraduate Diploma in Internal Medicine (Level 8) |
PGDCH0105-325 | Postgraduate Diploma in Child Health (Level 8) |
PGDMH0105-326 | Postgraduate Diploma in Mental Health (Level 8) |
PGDOG0105-327 | Postgraduate Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Level 8) |
PDGA0105-328 | Postgraduate Diploma in Anaesthesia (Level 8) |
PGDPR0105-329 | Postgraduate Diploma in Physiotherapy (Rehabilitation) (Level 8) |
BETVET0105-335 | Bachelor of Education (Specialist in TVET) (Level 7) |
BPH0105-336 | Bachelor of Public Health (Level 7) |
CPH0105-337 | Certificate in Public Health (Level 5) |
DPH0105-338 | Diploma in Public Health (Level 6) |
MMA0105-339 | Master of Medicine in Anaesthesia (Level 9) |
PGDS0105-340 | Postgraduate Diploma in Surgery (Level 8) |
BPHY0105-341 | Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Level 7) |
CAELM0105-342 | Certificate in Automotive Engineering (Automotive Light Machinery) (Level 4) |
CAEHC0105-343 | Certificate in Automotive Engineering (Heavy Commercial Vehicle) (Level 4) |
CAEHM0105-344 | Certificate in Automotive Engineering (Heavy Mobile Plant) (Level 4) |
CAELMV0105-345 | Certificate in Automotive Engineering (Light Motor Vehicle) (Level 4) |
CAEMVEE0105-346 | Certificate in Automotive Engineering (Motor Vehicle Electrical and Electronics) (Level 4) |
CAEPP0105-347 | Certificate in Automotive Engineering (Panel and Paint) (Level 4) |
MPA0105-379 | Master of Professional Accounting (Level 9) |
MMOG0105-380 | Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Level 9) |
MPH0105-381 | Master of Public Health (Level 9) |
PGDPH0105-382 | Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health (Level 8) |
PGDL0105-383 | Postgraduate Diploma in Linguistics (Level 8) |
PGDLS0105-384 | Post Graduate Diploma in Literacy Studies (Level 8) |
PGDTESL0105-385 | Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching English as a Second Language (Level 8) |
PGDHN0105-386 | Postgraduate Diploma in Human Nutrition (Level 8) |
DIT0105-387 | Diploma in Information Technology (Level 5) |
CIT0105-388 | Certificate in Information Technology (Level 4) |
MMS0105-389 | Master of Medicine in Surgery (Level 9) |
MMIM0105-390 | Master of Medicine in Internal Medicine (Level 9) |
MMEM0105-391 | Master of Medicine in Emergency Medicine (Level 9) |
MAE0105-392 | Master in Applied Epidemiology (Level 9) |
MHSM0105-393 | Master of Health Services Management (Level 9) |
MSRH0105-394 | Master of Sexual and Reproductive Health (Level 9) |
MMO0105-395 | Master of Medicine in Ophthalmology (Level 9) |
MMP0105-396 | Master of Medicine in Paediatrics (Level 9) |
MBA0105-397 | Master of Business Administration (Executive) (Level 9) |
PGDANP0105-398 | Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Nursing Practice (Nurse Practitioner) (Level 8) |
PGDAE0105-399 | Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Epidemiology (Level 8) |
PGDEM0105-400 | Postgraduate Diploma in Emergency Medicine (Level 8) |
PGDEHFSM0105-401 | Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Health – Food Safety Management (Level 8) |
PGDO0105-402 | Postgraduate Diploma in Ophthalmology (Level 8) |
PGDHP0105-403 | Postgraduate Diploma in Health Promotion (Level 8) |
PGDSRH0105-404 | Postgraduate Diploma in Sexual and Reproductive Health (Level 8) |
PGDEC0105-405 | Postgraduate Diploma in Eye Care (Level 8) |
PGDMW0105-406 | Postgraduate Diploma in Midwifery (Level 8) |
PGDP0105-407 | Postgraduate Diploma in Pathology (Level 8) |
PGDNLM0105-408 | Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing Leadership and Management (Level 8) |
PGCFE0105-409 | Postgraduate Certificate in Field Epidemiology (Level 8) |
BMBS0105-410 | Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Level 7) |
BN0105-411 | Bachelor of Nursing (Level 7) |
CEN0105-412 | Certificate in Enrolled Nursing (Level 4) |
CCN0105-413 | Certificate in Community Nutrition (Level 4) |
CDA0105-414 | Certificate in Dental Assisting (Level 4) |
CAE0105-415 | Certificate in Agricultural Engineering (Level 3) |
BCIRHRIS0105-435 | Bachelor of Commerce (Industrial Relations & Human Resource Management and Information Systems) (Level 7) |
BCIRHRM0105-436 | Bachelor of Commerce (Industrial Relations & Human Resource Management and Management) (Level 7) |
BCIRHRMA0105-437 | Bachelor of Commerce (Industrial Relations & Human Resource Management and Marketing) (Level 7) |
BCMIS0105-438 | Bachelor of Commerce (Management and Information Systems) (Level 7) |
BCMM0105-439 | Bachelor of Commerce (Management and Marketing) (Level 7) |
BCMAIS0105-440 | Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing and Information Systems) (Level 7) |
BCFM0105-441 | Bachelor of Commerce in Finance and Management (Level 7) |
BIS0105-442 | Bachelor of Information Systems (Level 7) |
BSCSIS0105-443 | Bachelor of Science (Computer Science and Information Systems) (Level 7) |
CB0105-444 | Certificate in Banking (Level 4) |
CM0105-445 | Certificate in Management (Level 5) |
DIRHRM0105-446 | Diploma in Industrial Relations & Human Resource Management (Level 6) |
DM0105-447 | Diploma in Management (Level 6) |
DMA0105-448 | Diploma in Marketing (Level 6) |
PGDEM0105-449 | Postgraduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship and Management (Level 8) |
MCCRM0105-452 | Master in Climate Change, Resilience and Mitigation (Level 9) |
MCA0105-453 | Master of Commerce in Accounting (Level 9) |
GDLP0105-454 | Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (Level 7) |
BL0105-455 | Bachelor of Laws (Level 7) |
BCAB0105-456 | Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Banking (Level 7) |
BCAE0105-457 | Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Economics (Level 7) |
BCAF0105-458 | Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Finance (Level 7) |
BCAIS0105-459 | Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Information Systems (Level 7) |
BCAL0105-460 | Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Law (Level 7) |
BCBL0105-461 | Bachelor of Commerce in Banking and Law (Level 7) |
BCFIS0105-462 | Bachelor of Commerce in Finance and Information Systems (Level 7) |
BCFL0105-463 | Bachelor of Commerce in Finance and Law (Level 7) |
BCFMA0105-464 | Bachelor of Commerce in Finance and Marketing (Level 7) |
BCAM0105-465 | Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Management (Level 7) |
BLIS0105-466 | Bachelor of Library and Information Systems (Level 7) |
BSPM0105-467 | Bachelor of Science in Physics and Mathematics (Level 7) |
BSFTB0105-468 | Bachelor of Science in Food Technology and Biology (Level 7) |
BSFTC0105-469 | Bachelor of Science in Food Technology and Chemistry (Level 7) |
BSFT0105-470 | Bachelor of Science in Food Technology (Level 7) |
DFT0105-471 | Diploma in Food Technology (Level 6) |
CEE0105-472 | Certificate in Electrical Engineering (Level 4) |
CAMEA0105-473 | Certificate in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (Avionics) (Level 4) |
CAMEM0105-474 | Certificate in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (Mechanical) (Level 4) |
CA0105 – 476 | Certificate in Accounting (Level 4) |
CBE0105 – 477 | Certificate in Biomedical Engineering (Level 4) |
CPT0105 – 478 | Certificate in Printing Technology (Level 4) |
DA0105 – 479 | Diploma in Agriculture (Level 5) |
BCACM0105 – 480 | Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Marketing (Level 7) |
BEP0105 – 481 | Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Level 7) |
BES0105 – 482 | Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (Level 7) |
BSEES0105 – 483 | Bachelor of Sports Education and Exercise Science (Level 7) |
GCE0105 – 484 | Graduate Certificate in Education (Level 7) |
PDA0105 – 485 | Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting (Level 8) |
PDDPH0105 – 486 | Postgraduate Diploma in Dental Public Health (Level 8) |
PDOS0105 – 487 | Postgraduate Diploma in Oral Surgery (Level 8) |
PDSP0105 – 488 | Postgraduate Diploma in Social Policy (Level 8) |
MSESM0105 – 489 | Master of Science in Environmental Science and Management (Level 9) |
MASP0105 – 490 | Master of Arts in Social Policy (Level 9) |
CME0105-568 | Certificate in Manufacturing Engineering (Level 4) |