The Minister for Education, Hon Aseri Radrodro, is relying on the Fiji Higher Education Commission (FHEC) to create and implement the necessary interventions and strategies to tackle some of the challenges faced in the education sector.
“Essential issues needing to be addressed include literacy and numeracy, skills education and training, having the right graduates from our institutions, and an appreciation of Technical & Vocational Education and Training (TVET),” the Minister pointed out.
At the FHEC Secretariat’s Office, Minister Radrodro received an update from the FHEC Chair, Mr Steve Chand, on the current activities of the Commission. Mr Chand also gave a progress brief on the initial findings from the current consultation with schools and higher education institutions on skills education and training, alongside recommendations of potential policies for realignment and reforms.
“We look forward to presenting our findings at the upcoming Education Summit,” said Mr Chand.
The Minister thanked the FHEC for the hard work done so far in supporting the Education sector, expressing his confidence and belief in their work. He reiterated the importance of the FHEC’s role, stating that their contributions were vital in creating higher-quality access to equitable education and training.