Fiji Police Academy

Status: Registered
HEI Type: Police Academy
Legal Entity Name: Fiji Police Force
Business/Company Number: N/A
Recognition Number: RCN 0069/10
Registration Number: RGN 0072/21
Registration Certificate Number: RG 0099
Start Date: 19/05/2022
End Date: 18/05/2027
Authorized Contact Person Name: Acting Superintendent Aseri Nakibo
Mobile: 9904905
Landline: 3343777
Head Office: Fiji Police HQ, Vinod Patel Building, Centrepoint, Laucala Beach, Suva.

(Outstanding compliance requirements placed on HEI's registration)

List of HEC Accredited Qualifications on Scope of Services

Note: If there are no Qualifications listed below, the HEI does not have an accredited or recorded Qualification on its scope of services.

Qualification Code Qualification Title
National Qualifications Nil
Provider Qualifications Nil