Caregivers Training Institute
Status: | Registered |
HEI Type: | Caregiving School |
Legal Entity Name: | Caregivers Training Institute |
Business/Company Number: | RCBS2016L1001424 |
Recognition Number: | RCN 0020/10 |
Registration Number: | RGN 0040/12 |
Registration Certificate Number: | RG 0046 |
Start Date: | 04/02/2016 |
End Date: | 04/02/2021 |
Authorized Contact Person Name: | Permal Pillay |
Mobile: | 9980764 |
Landline: | 6701089 |
Email: | |
Head Office: | Naicker Street, Nakurakura Sub-division, Nadi Town. |
Website: | N/A |
Registration Conditions: (Outstanding compliance requirements placed on HEI's registration) |
None |
List of HEC Accredited Qualifications on Scope of Services
Note: If there are no Qualifications listed below, the HEI does not have an accredited or recorded Qualification on its scope of services.
Qualification Code | Qualification Title |
National Qualifications |
Nil |
Provider Qualification |
Nil |