Student’s Safety Not to be Compromised Upon Online Learning

The Fiji Higher Education Commission (FHEC) has advised all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the country that the temporary suspension of ALL face-to-face education and training activities is still in effect and further extended for the next 14 days effective Monday, 26 April 2021.
The advice has been issued following the COVID-19 advisory announced by the Permanent Secretary for Health and Medical Services, Dr. James Fong on Sunday, 25th April 2021.
To ensure continuity of teaching and learning, the FHEC is encouraging institutions to use the virtual and online platforms as and where applicable. However, HEIs must ensure the following factors are taken into consideration:

Students’ safety is not compromised with non-essential movement to participate or access online learning resources;
Students are not unfairly disadvantaged because of limited accessibility to online learning resources; and
Students and staff safety should be of paramount interest and any decision taken should be made in consultation and in consideration of this.

The FHEC also recommends the arrangement of counseling or other support services that students may access via email or telephone or virtually during this time to address any psychological related issues that students may be facing. HEIs are further urged to continue to promote the Ministry of Health and Medical Services’ COVID-19 precautionary measures and guidelines.